Friday, May 11, 2012

Wow. I read something last night that forever changed how i live my everyday. In another mother's blog, she said she was going to be hands-free. The title perked my interest and i read on. It said follow these instructions to learn how to miss a childhood. It was about how we get so engulfed in our electronics that we miss out on beautiful, precious memories of our children. How often do we get so wrapped up in text messages, craigslist, facebook, or even blogging that we ignore our kids. I hate to admit it but, i have been there when i am doing something on the computer and you reply "uh huh" to your kids just so they think you heard them. Its time we put a balance to our lives and spend some time getting to know our kids and who they are and what they like. I don't want to miss out on precious memories that will soon be gone. Crazy thing is last night when i was reading her blog, i looked over and saw Ava on her daddy's chair reading by herself. I shut down the computer right then and there. We sat and read five books together and drank hot chocolate. Even though it was way past her bed time, it was a memory I'm glad i didn't pass up. We should strive to be hands-free with our phones, ipads, ipods, and everything else that takes away precious time so we don't miss out on awesome memories.

this was our special moment last night....


  1. read this after I got home from the shop. As I was responding to emails and balancing the baby it inspired me to turn off the TV turn off the computer leave the phone home and we loaded him up in the stroller and went for a family walk:) Thank you for the inspiration:)

  2. i love that Danielle! thank you for posting!
